We Put the Quality Into Quality Pecans
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Cooking And Baking Recipes Using Pecans
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What Makes Our Products The Best
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Quality Pecans
Select Our Fresh Pecans Below

Whole And Fresh
Whole and fresh from the orchard! Bagged and ready for baking into your favorite delight.

Cracked Pecans
Cracked and ready for you to shell and add to your favorite dishes or eat as an energy snack.

Premium Halves
Delicious orchard fresh and shelled directly from our trees. Ideal for baking, making candy or just snacking!

Tasty Pieces
Delicious and fresh direct from our orchard. An economical choice for baking, making candy and cooking.

Fresh Bits
Orchard fresh bits for ingredients in your next gourmet meal. Your friends will wonder where that delicious flavor came from.

Healthy Flour
Our flour is an all-natural gluten free super food, ideal for adding zest to fried fish, pancakes, pie crusts, breads and other foods. It is your “secret ingredient”!

Nature’s Health Food
Our crops are the natural health food, they contain plant sterols, which are known for their cholesterol-lowering ability. They are also great brain food and adding them to your diet may delay the progression of age-related motor neuron degeneration. This may include diseases like amyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Money-Saving Packages
Save by taking advantage of quantity buying! We have many specially priced packages for you that will help you keep your budget in line. By buying in large quantities we can help you save money and still enjoy our pecan products. Another way to save is to come to our orchard to pick up your order to avoid shipping charges. Order online and select “Store Pickup”, your order will be ready for you.

Visit Our Orchard And Sales Office
Visit Our Sales Office
We are located in Central Texas just north of Bryan College Station
17099 West US Hwy 79
Hearne, TX 77859
Phone: (979) 279-3026